To grow customer acquisition, you can chose one of a few lanes — performance marketing, virality, or content marketing. In theory, content marketing is easy.
You pick an audience. You create content that is relevant. The content must entertains, educates or inform. You then distribute the content on the right medium at the right cadence with the right call-to-action. That’s about it.
The challenge, of course, is that A+ content marketing is an order of magnitude more impactful that B+ content marketing. If you are going to do pick this path, you have to get it right. Really right.
So, the question is where do you get started?
- Define your audience
- Define their customer journey ( From I didn’t know I had a problem all the way through to loving your product and referring their friends)
- Build a content marketing matrix
This post is about how to build a content marketing matrix. The content market matrix is the framework for your team to create impactful content for your audience.
To get started, you map out the stages of the customer journey across the columns. Across the rows, you list each persona you target and/or the different products and services you offer. Across the bottom, you list the call-to-action. Then, in the cells, you define the content you want to create for each stage of the journey for a given target buyer or product offering.
Content Marketing Matrix
Your content marketing matrix should look something like this:

To use the Content Marketing Matrix, simply:
Define each persona, product or service (rows)
Set each stage of the funnel or buyer journey (columns)
State where to find your audience across each stage of the journey (medium).
Decide what the next step you want them to take is (call-to-action).
From there, simply create the best piece of content on the internet. Maybe it is the first guide, the most comprehensive or more entertaining. Make it about them, not you. Publish it in the right spot, promote it to the right people. Don’t ask people to buy, just ask people to take the next step. Rinse and repeat.